cv -selected works
Artist photographer
Born 1959, Hattula
kovalainenritvaleena (at) gmail.com
1990 Master of Arts, University of Art and Design, Helsinki
2024. Mänttä Art Festival, "The Blast"
2024. Suvi Pinx, Puu/Arbor
2022. Glasshouse, Helsinki Nemus - Forest
2022 Valo Gallery, Rovaniemi, Time, Place, Light
2021 Jyväskylä Art museum, Turku Arthalli, Nordic Photocentrum, Oulu, Whose Nature?
2021 Kainuu Museum, Kajaani, North-Karelian Museum Joensuu: Suomen itä
2020 Kuopion Museum, South-Karelian Museum: Suomen itä
2019 Lihula Muusikapäevad, Estonia
2019 The Finnish Museum of Photograph, Helsinki, Festival of Political Photography: Potentiality
2017 Lokal, Helsinki, Encanted Forest
2017 Hossa nationalpark opening, Suomussalmi, Ritva Kovalainen: They're so hopeful, so green
2017 Kerava Artmuseum, Green Land – Blooming City
2016 Kuopio museum, Hundred years –hundred pictures
2016 Nordic photographic center, Oulu, Hundred years –hundred pictures
2015 Embassy of Finland, Washington, USA, Trees are Poems, Albrecht, Eskola, Kovalainen & Sammallahti
2015 Pyhäniemi Mannor, Pyhäniemi, Hollola
2014 Gallery Gumbostrand, Sipoo, FI Shout and whisper, Ritva Kovalainen & Sampsa Sarparanta
2013 Sinebrycoff Art Museum, Helsinki, Trees are Poems, Albrecht, Eskola, Kovalainen & Sammallahti
2012 Nordic Light Festival, Kristiansund, Norway
2011 Serlachius-museum, Mänttä FI, Forest
2011 An Event of Contemporary Art, Hyvinkää, FI, Sense of wood, XII TAJU -
2010 Festival Surpas, Portbou, ES, Vida local, Kovalainen, Seppo, Turunen
2010 Joensuu Art Museum, Luvassa Lämpenevää
2010 Fiskars, Kuparipaja, FI, Wood Works
2009 Gallery Luova, Helsinki, New Prints
2009 Awagami Paper Factory Gallery Tokushima, Kamiyama Artist reidence-gallery, Japan, Tree People,
Kovalainen, Nireki, Seppo
2007 Tennis Palace Art Museum, Helsinki, Kuntsi Museum of Modern Art, Vaasa, FI, My Country!
2007 The Finnish Stone Center, Juuka FI, Face to Face with the landscape,
2006 Kulturbahnhof Eller, Düsseldorf, Germany, Rangebiete, J. Eskildsen, R.Kovalainen, E. Männikkö, P. Turunen
2006 Salo Art Museum, FI, Green Art
2006 Sanoma House, Helsinki and Victor Barsokevitch –gallery, Kuopio, Foto Finlandia
2005 Kutur Bahnhof Eller, Düsseldorf, Germany, Von Blaupause bis Edeldruck
2005 Wäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art, Turku, Finland, Breakfast on the Quay
2004 CAP-house, Kobe, Japan, Both Sides
2004 Photofesta Maputo, Mosambik, The Eyes of a Woman
2004 Turku Art Museun, Finland, Concerning the commonplace
2004-2006 Impressions Gallery, York, Art Institute at Bournemouth - Gallery, and Dick institute, Killmarnock,
Tulley House and Art Gallery in Carlisle, GB, Facing East
2003 Otso-gallery, Espoo, Finland, Both Sides
2003 Tolosa Art Museum, Es, Dimensio Nordico
2003 Frombork and Puoltsuk, Poland, Ethics of Ecology
2002 Mänttä Art Festival, FI, Environments
1999 Gallen-Kallela Museum, Espoo and Nordic House in Reykjavik Iceland, Long Live Kalevala!
1998–99 Stockholm Metro, Sweden, UNDER/EXPOSE
1998 Fotografi Gallerie NK, Lillehammer, Norway, Nordisk Kunstnerisk Fotografi
1997 Ancient & Modern gallery, Michigan, USA, Prints, with Pentti Sammallahti and Kristoffer Albrecht,
1997 Kuopio Art Museum, Hello Forest
1996 St Petersburg, Russia, Helsinki-St Petersburg, Exhibition of Young Artists
1994 Museum of Photographic Art in Tallinn, Estonia, Three Finnish Photographers
1993 Acquario Romano, Italy, Corporacion Cultural de la Condes, Santiago de Chile,Una Luce dal Nord
1992 Around Europe and South America, Decennium
1992 Artina Gallery Helsinki, Making Visible, Ritva Kovalainen and Ipi Kärki
1992 Kerava Art Museum, Finnice
1991 Diplo Florence, Italy, Exhibition of Artist books
1991 Arles France and around Europe, Kodak Award
1991 Mikkeli Art Museum. FI, M’ars EXIT
1991 Strand Gallery Oulu, Norbottens Museum Luleå and Fotogallery Lund, Sweden, Body of Nature
1991 Finnish Museum of Photography in Helsinki, Fotofinlandia
1988 Arthall, Helsinki, Where?
SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS (Ritva Kovalainen and Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo co-operation)
2024 World Forestry Center, Portland, USA, Tree peolpe, Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo
2024 Ostrobothnian Museum,Vaasa, Forest of the North Wind, Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo
2024 South-Karelian Museum, Forest of the North Wind, Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo
2024 Turku Art Museum, Forest of the North Wind, Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo
2023 Kajaani Art Museum, Forest of the North Wind, Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo
2022 Seek Gallery Tallinn, Estonia, Forest of the North Wind, Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo
2022 The Finnish Museum of Photography, K1, Helsinki, Forest of the North Wind, Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo
2020 Gallery Teijo Masuuni, Salo
2019 Laterna Magica, Helsinki, Rooms for Trees
2018 Galleri Majnabbe, Göteborg, Sweden Ritva Kovalainen, Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo
2018 Light Factory, Charlotte NC, USA, Tree People, Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo
2014 Centro De Arte Alcobendas, Madrid, ES, El Bosque Dorado, Ritva Kovalainen, Sanni Seppo
2013 Centro Andaluz de la Fotografía, Almeria ES, El Bosque Dorado, Ritva Kovalainen, Sanni Seppo
2012 Alma Gallery, Söderlångvik, FI, Under a tree
2011-12 Helsinki Art Museum, Jyväskylä Art museum, Hämeenlinna Art museum, Kuopio Art Museum Golden Forest,
Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo
2008 Around Slovakia and Czech republic, Tree People, Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo
2005-08 Salo Art Museum, Victor Barsokevitsch Photographic Centre, Kuopio, Hippolyte Gallery Helsinki, FI,
Side Gallery, Newcastle UK, Land of Beautiful Horses
2005 Länsmuseet Västernorrland, Härnosand, and Skosmoseet, Lycksele, Sverige , Tree People, Kovalainen & Seppo
2001-02 Gallery Peri Turku, Hämeenlinna Castle, Strand Gallery Oulu FI, When a Child a Child Was
1999 Zebra Gallery, Karis FI, Once in a Lifetime
1999 Rotterdam, Netherlands, and around Belgium
1998 Finnish Institute in Paris, France, Petites Series Singing Tree,
1997–2001 Touring exhibition in the art museums of eleven Finnish cities, beginning with Hämeenlinna Art Museum,
Tree People, Ritva Kovalainen and Sanni Seppo
1996 Gallery Peri, Turku FI, Pictures from Tanzania
1993 Gallery Peri Turku FI, Fotografisk galleri Copenhagen Denmark, Photographs
1992-1993 Fotofest happening, Estonia and Finland, Sticks
1991 Laterna Magica, Helsinki, KJIK
1990-1991 Soardi Gallery Nice France, Hippolyte Gallery Helsinki, Strand Gallery Oulu FI Photographs
1984 Hippolyte Gallery Helsinki, Strand Gallery Oulu, Kajaani Art Museum, No Man's Land
2023. Pohjoistuulen metsä, R.Kovalainen and S.Seppo (Hiilinielu Tuotanto & Miellotar)
2019 Meren maa – Havets land, Ritva Kovalainen & Pekka Turunen (John Nurmisen Säätiö)
2017 Det här vill jag säga , photos & design, R.Kovalainen (Hiilinielu Tuotanto)
2017 Crooked and Wild, R.Kovalainen (Musta taide)
2014 Tree People (Puiden kansa) new editions by R.Kovalainen and S.Seppo
2009 Silvicultural operations, (Metsänhoidollisia toimenpiteitä), a photographic book (Hiilinielu Tuotanto & Miellotar)
2006 Tree People / Das Wolk Der Bäume, new editions by R.Kovalainen and S.Seppo
2005 Talande Träd, a photographic book about trees in Kimito
2005 Land of Beautiful Horses, a photographic book, Like, Helsinki
2001 When a Child a Child Was, a photographic book (Hiilinelu Tuotanto)
2000 Sagalund – min kostsamma leksak, a photographic book of Sagalund Museum, Kemiö (Li Näse,
Ritva Kovalainen & Pekka Turunen)
1997 (1998) Tree People (Puiden kansa), a book about the mythical and spiritual meaning of trees and forests,
by Ritva Kovalainen and Sanni Seppo (Pohjoinen and Hiilinelu Tuotanto)
1990 Untiteled, a photographic book (Opus)
2013 Trees are poems, Albrecht, Eskola, Kovalainen, Sammallahti (edition 40)
2013 A Dansing God of Tree, portfolio (edition 8)
2007 New Prints, Albrecht, Eskola, Kelaranta, Kovalainen, Sammallahti (edition 15)
2001 AXIS- graphic art from Finland (Edited by Kari Holopainen, edition 50)
1992 Sticks portfolio (Opus, edition 400)
1991 KJIK portfolio (Musta taide, Opus)
1986 Earth Holds Them All, (Maa pitää kaikki) portfolio of Canadian Indians (TAIK edition 100)
2021 Virtaava metsä – Flowing forest, shortfilm, 19 min
2020 Poecile Poetica, shortfilm, 14 min
2011 Forest Talk, shortfilm, Ritva Kovalainen, Sanni Seppo and Ville Tanttu
2007 End of the Rainbow, documentary shortfilm, Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo
2000 Searching for the Forest (Metsää etsimässä) multimedia artwork, Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo,
Production of Maaseudun Sivistysliitto, Carbon Sink Partnership and Sanni Seppo
1986 One Night Stop, video for Commercial TV in Finland/Drama (Pekka Turunen)
2023 Satasairala S-hospital, Pori, Ritva Kovalainen & Tuuli Turunen: Riippumatot ja Aamiainen rannalla
2021 Hovirinta school building, Kaarina, several works
2021 Aikamatka – Tidsresan, Taalintehdas Artpark, Ritva Kovalainen & Tuuli Turunen
2015 Forest, Winter, Beach, Night tree, Fallen tree and So small we grew,
Silva, a daycare center of Kemiönsaari
2007 Birches, ITE-Medical center, Joensuu (R. Kovalainen and S. Seppo)
2005 Caught in a ‘forest-cover’, Metsätalo, University of Helsinki (R. Kovalainen)
2001 Tree of Happiness, Relief in Metsätalo, University of Helsinki (R. Kovalainen and S. Seppo)
2004 Cabines on trees, Joensuu Training School (R. Kovalainen and S. Seppo)
Turku Artmuseun
Serlachius Museum, Mänttä
Paulo Foundation, Finland
Jyväskylä Artmuseum
Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki
Collections of the State of Finland
Collections of the Parliament of Finland
Wäinö Aaltonen Art Museum, Turku, Finland
Espoo Art Museum, Finland
Collections of Kodak, Finland
Collection of Photographs of the Royal Library in Copenhagen, Denmark
Statens Museum for Kunst, Denmark
Kuopio Art Museum, Finland
Finnish Forest Museum, Punkaharju, Finland
Member of the Finnish Union of Artist Photographers
Finnish State Award for Public Information
Artist Professor, Finnish state grant, 2015-
Finnish Art Society, Literature Prize, 2009
Environmental Action Award, 2006
Suomi (Finland) Prize, Finnish state award for artists, 1997
Finnish Kodak Award, 1991